What is animal systematic and describe classification of organization
Animal Systematics: The goal of animal systematics is to arrange animals into group, that reflect evolutionary relationship. Monophyletic group: When groups include single ancestral species and all of its descendents such a group is called monophyletic group, in searching out monophyletic groups, taxonomists look for animal attributes called characters that indicate relatedness. Character: A character is virtually anything that has a genetic basis and can be measured from an anatomical feature to a sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA or RNA. Polyphyletic groups: They have members that can be traced to separate ancestors. Since each group should have single ancestor, a polyphyletic group reflects insufficient knowledge of the group. Paraphyletic group: It includes some, but not all, members of a lineage. Paraphyletic groups result when knowledge of the group is insufficient. Evolutionary Systematics: It is the oldest of three approaches. It is also called tra...