Explain briefly Modern Theory of Profit
Briefly Explanation of the Modern Theory of Profit
Several theories
have been put forward to explain the determination of profits. There is the
risk theory of profit and also uncertainty-bearing theory. Some economists
regard profit as the rent of ability. There are others who advocate the dynamic
theory of profit. The question arises which theory shall we accept? How do
profits arise? Here we are thinking of not gross profit but net profit. The
fact is that in the real world, there are several causes that give rise to
profit, but the principal cause is uncertainty. It is certain this is the
basic cause of profit.
This uncertainty is due to the dynamic nature of the
world. In this real world of ours, some or other change is always taking place.
But only such changes are the cause of profit, as can not be foreseen as we
have read in Knight’s theory. No entrepreneur can foresee all these changes nor
are the circumstances under his control. The world is dynamic due to two sets
of factors (a) internal and (b) external. In other words, there are certain
changes that the entrepreneur himself brings about such as innovations and
there are other changes that are brought about by external forces.
external changes are of two kinds (a) regular changes like trade fluctuations
which affect all profits and (b) irregular as breaking of fire, earthquakes,
floods, strikes, changes in tasks, changes due to government policies, war, etc.
Thus profit arises out of changes. In a static world there is no change, hence no
profit. In an economy where nothing changes there can be no profit. But only
such changes are the causes of profits which cannot be foreseen as we have read
in Knight’s theory.
However, in the static world profits can arise in one way i.e. owing to monopoly – The monopoly
profits arise in a dynamic world also. Besides monopoly profit can arise also
from any other position of advantage.
In short, we can
say there are two sources of profit (a) uncertainty and (b) position of special
advantage, monopoly, or otherwise.
Thus there is no
one theory that will explain profit but a synthesis of all the theories
mentioned above. Profits are a reward for the services of the entrepreneur. The
supply of entrepreneurial ability is limited. Whereas the demand for their
services is very great.
The rate of
profit at any given moment will depend on the interaction of demand and supply
of entrepreneurial ability, risking capital and in the long run, it must be such
as to call forth and maintain the supply of entrepreneurial services.
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