Define Budget also the difference parts of expenditure of federal budget
The budget of a
government is a statement of its finances for a particular year. It indicates how
the government or a public body concerned proposes to raise its revenue and
incur its expenditure. If the expenditure happens to be in excess of revenue,
the government state how the gap is to be met through raising various types of taxes or loans.
A government in Pakistan
whether federal or provincial has two sections of the budget
(1) Revenue budget
(2) Capital budget. The revenue budget is concerned with the current needs and
functions of government like defence, civil administration, judicial services,
police and beneficent activities in the field of education, health, agriculture
The capital
budget of the government is concerned with the building of lasting works of a
capital nature, like irrigation, canals, dams, roads and other constructions.
Expenditure Heads of the Federal Budget:
As we know Public Expenditure may be (i) Development Expenditure which is shown in the Capital
Budget or what may be called Development Budget. The expenditure in the Revenue
Budget is mostly Non-Development Expenditure. The major heads of expenditure
are discussed below.
i) Debt
Services: Under this head are included interest on debt and other obligations
and provisions for reduction and avoidance of debt. This expenditure has been on
the increase.
ii) Defence
Services: Next to debt services comes the most important spending department
of the Federal Government and takes away a high proportion of its total is defence
iii) Development
Expenditure or ADP: The Annual Development Programme of the Government in the
Sector has following objectives.
a) To
consolidate investment level.
b) To bring
about improvement in the standard of living of the common man.
c) To build up
social and physical infrastructure, particularly the efficient transport and
communication system which can help in achieving the objectives of balanced
development and integration of the economy.
d) To enlarge
employment opportunities by identifying areas in which labour-intensive
intermediate technology can be effectively used.
e) To give a maximum push to agriculture as well as to industries serving it and based on
f) To accelerate
the pace of development in the less developed areas.
g) To make
provision for implementing policies in the field of health, education labour
and wages.
h) To implement
people’s works and other rural development programmes.
Within this
framework, ADP seeks.
1) To earmark
more funds for major ongoing projects such as Motorway and power projects.
2) To protect
the requirement of agricultural inputs which yield quick returns?
3) To expand the
water logging and salinity control work in view of its importance for
agricultural development.
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