What do you mean by wages? Explain critically the important theories of wages
Wages are remuneration paid to labour in return for the services rendered. The term labour in Economics is used in under sense. It includes the work of skilled or unskilled professional or amateur, salaried or non-salaried persons etc who put the efforts mentally or bodily in return for some reward. The reward may be paid in cash or in kind or in both. The unit of time for the payment of remuneration may be a day, a week, a month or a year. Benham has defined the term ‘wages’ in a restricted sense. According to him ‘a wage may be defined as a sum of money paid under contract by an employer to a worker in exchange for services rendered. Theories of Wages 1. Subsistence Theory This theory originated with Physiocrats and was commonly accepted during the 18 th century. The German economist Lassale called it the ‘Iron Law of Wages’. Karl Marx made it the basis of his theory of exploitation. According to this theory wages tend t...